Monday, December 31, 2012

Today & Tomorrow

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book.

Write a good one”. – Brad Paisley.


May my page book be well written.

May I be a good writer.

May God be my lead and guide.

May I be fill with God’s wisdom.

With God everything is possible.


Happy New Year, Darling Hubby.

I love you.

It has been a great year for both of us.

2013 will be a greater year for us both.



Yes, we did went for a drive to the country.

It was wet and rainy country drive.

My darling hubby went to by to see some fellow – he is now a sugarcane syrup collector.

Imagine that. He is so excited about growing some sugarcane next year.

Sugarcane will be a new crop for us to grow then. This year was the pumpkin.

He asked me if I am going chew some of them sugarcane when we grow some. I said yes I will. He asked me if I am going to make some sugarcane syrup when we grow some. I said yes I will. I think I am going to call my dad and ask him to grow more sugarcane … next year when my darling hubby and I went back for a visit we can have a fresh sugarcane juice and we can make some sugarcane syrup from my dad’s home grown sugarcane. Just a thought.

I did took some pictures … might not be the best pictures.


Tomorrow is new year. Happy New Year.


Tomorrow is New Year.

thank you Lord for all the good things you have done for me and my family.
thank you Lord for your abundant blessing.
thank you Lrod for every little things.
thank you. thank you.

it is still cold out there.
hubby into everything sugarcane right now.
sugarcane syrup is good.

we might going for a walk to the country today.
i love a walk in the country.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two Days Before...

today. two days before the first day of new year. 2012 went by so quickly. fast. in two days 2012 will be gone forever. then we all will be saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming 2013. people will be making their new year resolution. or resolutions. new year get together or new year party. fireworks.

resolution? don't we always have at least one at the end of the year?  next year i will  eat healthy - yes please, more fried rice, steamed fish and stuffed tofu. next year i want to be more kind, loving and compassionate and passionate toward my darling hubby.  next year i will learn a new language - spanish and TEXAN. new skill - learning to sew the right and correct way.  these are like a resolution i made everyday.

it is surely freezing cold outside. 26F. yes that is freezing cold to a typical oriental person like me. which one is the correct way to say, oriental or asian? i don't know. i am just what i am and i thank God for the year 2012. we have alot to give thanks for. good health. good home. family and friends. and just having each other. God has been so good to us and He is good all the time.

 anyway this is the 2nd year we didn't go back home to visit my folks. we are planning to go back home next year. for a very special event. very special.

i still wish we have some white christmas. he said we probably should move up north if i wanted white christmas so bad. but i do not want to have snowy day for days. can't drive the car because the road was covered with snow. our home probably will look like the eskimon igloo. just bigger. then we will have our modern igloo. hah! sometimes i let my silly imagination run wild. east texas is a wild wild place anyway. even our place are wild enough. ducks. chickens. dogs. cat. well we have raccoon. possum. snake. turtle. cayote. and we are just 5 minutes drive to the maintown. yes! we are just at the boarder of lufkin city limit. and i love it here. lots of trees and fresh air everday. we have all kind of birds coming by everyday. dang! i forgot to fill up the feeder again.

what am i rumbling about? just about everything. we had banana pancake drizzle with sugarcane syrup this morning. oh it was so good : )

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Peanut Sugarcane Ball

December 29, 2012.
Cold and windy outside and the sun is out. I should try capturing the sunrise with my camera. Well… you don’t understand, it is cold outside. Eeemmm that remain me of a Christmas song. I wish we will have some snow by now. You might be thinking I am out of my mind. Yes I am not fond of cold and windy weather but a snowy day could be fun. Betsy would have lots of fun running around chasing snowflake : )
What would you do on cold windy winter day? I bet you will never trying something new in your kitchen. Ah... nope… not me but my darling hubby. Sugarcane syrup. I guess he get nostalgic about sugarcane syrup. He grew up about 35mins from Lufkin. He said his granddaddy was an expert in making sugarcane syrup. We grow sugarcane back home but we never make them into sugarcane syrup.
Well … so he made some and tried new trick and... voila... what do you know? Have you ever tried Peanut Sugarcane Ball? My darling hubby invented that. Hahahhahaa … sort of. The last batch of the syrup he thought if he put a pitch of baking soda he will improve the taste of the syrup. He did and we end up shelling some roasted peanuts and mixing it with the syrup and what do you know we end up with Peanut Sugarcane Ball. It was a bit like the peanut brittle but really gooey and sweet.
Good Lord … I think the Texan said that sometimes, our Peanut Sugarcane Ball was out of this world. You don’t believe me, huh... well you just have to try it. The house was warm. We discover new thing. We enjoy the hard labor of making sugarcane syrup (actually just my darling hubby ) and yes the yummy gooey peanut sugarcane ball.
What would we do back home on a cold rainy day (we don’t have winter you see)? Mom always make us a bunch and bunch of Banana Fritters. Eeemm… with hot strong coffee, please, fresh brew. Dad calls it Kopi-O Kau : )

Friday, December 28, 2012

100 More Things To Do & Peppermint Bars

Today. December 28, 2012. Cold. Rainy. Windy. Gloomy.

Time to do some cleaning in the house. The laundry. The dishes.

The house is heated good… I think. Well … look what I found while cleaning “my corner” … The Lufkin News, Sunday paper dated July 1, 2012. Charm column.

“100 MORE Things To Do In Our Fair City”.

Eeemmm… lets find out some of them.

1. Pick Blueberries at the Grimes Blueberry Farm. (I don’t know where the farm is, someone, like my hubby should know)

2. Sip something warm at Standpipe Coffeehouse. (Yea, I know where Standpipe is… Ted Cruz was there. No kidding I saw his picture on the paper sometimes this year.)

7. Go Thrift Shopping. – Yes! Yes! I like this very much … Lufkin Antique Mall. Heritage Antique. Tried Mama. Thriftier you said? Goodwill. Salvation Army Thrift Store and there are more. Oh … I hate it when it is a cold, rainy, windy and gloomy day like today.

15. Count the flamingos at Ellen Trout Zoo. Not today but that will be fun on sunshine day : )

46. Take a photo in front of a “Welcome to Lufkin” sign. (This is a must! Now, that make me feel more tourist then a resident of this town – but that would be fun for my sisters to see back home. )

 91. Take an online class from Angelina College. (Yupe! Have to find out when their next “Texan Classes” – I have to learn how speak Texan. )

May be I should just go and make some Peppermint Bars instead of “mourning and groining” about how cold, raining, gloomy outside are. Yes, I found this recipe on The Journey magazine, December 2012 issues. They are looking delicious. Yes the oven is on, the kitchen is warm … eeemmm Peppermint Bars.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Went hunting. Didn’t get any deer.

Some friends came with us. It was a picnic for them.

It was freezing cold. Raining some. Hubby said he saw six deer.

Just doe. No buck. I saw some deer tracks.
It was nice to be outside there.

We end up at Catfish King for dinner. 27122012.


Breakfast? I don’t know.

Today is the 2nd morning after Christmas and I am having a slice of mooncake and a cup of coffee for breakfast. Texan breakfast? Totally not! A slice of mooncake for breakfast?

Weird for a Texan. I don’t know if the Chinese would have a mooncake for breakfast, either. A Chinese friend whom my husband and I became friends with gave us some mooncake the other time. I have forgotten when is the Mooncake Festival. No. No. I am not Chinese but yes I do speak Chinese. Where I came from, we do speak more then one languages. No wonder I am so messed up – why? My husband said it too often – “I don’t understand a word that you said”. Mmmm… May be I should registered to learn English at the college. but actually what I might need is learning how to speak Texan : )
If I know how to speak Texan would that make me an Accidentally Texan? I don’t know. Oh … the mooncake… it was a good mooncake. I miss home. I am at home now and  I can’t say that I miss home. Well …. I misses my family back home where I came from : ) is that making any sense? We always have fried rice for breakfast. Lots of traditional cakes for breakfast. We often have beef noodle soup for breakfast. Wow … now making me hungry. At home here in East Texas, my husband and I will be having biscuits, pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausages and coffee for breakfast. He will have sugar cane syrup for his biscuits or waffles. Honestly, I will be having my home version of fried rice and he will be happy with his homemade biscuits. I promised my sisters I will write to them often and telling them all the exciting things about East Texas.
Its about time I write to them : ) … well I have to get going, we are going deer hunting today. East Texas life is never boring and dull.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas, that was yesterday.

Merry Christmas. That was yesterday. It was a cold and stormy Christmas Day for us. I wish for a snow but it was just wet and cold day, no snow. Hoping we get some later. Happy New Year then : ) Yes, Happy New Year. This is my 3rd Christmas in East Texas. I am feeling homesick. Why am I homesick? I am at home. Yes of course I am at home. This is my home now. East Texas. Texas. I live in a small town call Lufkin. Nice little town. No I don't live in town but in a country. In a wood. In a wild. No horses. Just little puppy, some ducks and chickens. I have so much things to tell you about my life here ... being an accidentallytexan can be funny and exciting. Imagine if you came from a place where you have summer the whole year. No no ... real nice summer not like the Texan summer. Well ... here I am, the AccidentallyTexan. Nice to meet yo'all ( I think that how they said it here in East Texas). Merry Christmas 2012 and Happy New Year 2013.